



      本文作者X HY同学,来自广东的一所重点中学,高二年级。计划高中毕业后去美国读大学,有计划读心理学专业,但是学生本人和家长又不完全了解心理学的学科特点。为此,参加美国名校科研,增加学术背景,开拓视野,获得真知。通过美国名校科研老师的指导,申请到了哈佛大学心理学的科研机会。
      尤其在感受的最后一段,学生用稚嫩的笔触所言,让我们看到了通过科研,学生的进步与收获。" I feel my passion in psychology. Whether you are succeed in the project or not, it gains some value that you aren’t capable to learn in books. I learned how an academic project form, what those academic data collect and so on. When you catch some opportunities, that means you are lucky and capable to try your best on it. I suddenly fall in love with one sentence seen in the United State: “Go where no one else will go, do what no one else will do.” To be brave to explore yourself, a huge new world will surprise you. "
      When I saw beautiful blue came to my eye, I realized that I am ready for taking this adventure as a real scholar.  It is my first time to travel alone. To be honest, I am very nervous to do a project with Prof. U from Harvard Medical School. I don’t have much confident to persuade myself that a student who is still in the senior high school is able to be successful in a college level program.  Otherwise, Harvard University is the top university in the world. Having a project in Harvard place, working with Harvard people sounds too high to reach. But once you get the chance, you need to try your best getting closer to the peak.
      I arrived in Boston on July 20, then went to university l having meeting with Mentor.U on July 23. He is really nice and kind asking what we feel about the airplane tour, how we deal with jet lag, and where we live with our home stay. We talked like friends, which we seem knowing each other thought a long time. That’s really surprised me. Further, we went on more and more detail about our project. The project is different from my imagine. Our first week task is reading “The neuroscience of adolescent decision-making”  written by Catherine A Bartlett and Leah H Servile, preparing a presentation with our understanding of the article, and asking some question for it. Reading is a big challenge for me. I have to read a college-level paper with thousands of words. Since I never learned neuroscience, it took my several days finishing reading, including looking up the academic vocabularies, learning the scientific theories, and probing more details in it. The whole article is talking about what development processes change during adolescent decision-making. Though whole article, I came out some questions “What development processes change during child decision-making?”,  “Can children make decision without parents or teachers?”, and “ Why would children talk to stranger without adults’ permission?” At the end of first week, we have the second meeting doing our presentation. All the questions were discussed at that time: the curiosity within kids, the changing in curiosity with different age… Our group research topic came from our own idea. It is a topic in what we interested and glad to explore deeply. Finally, we decided our group topic is “ The intensity of curiosity and age.”  
      我于7月20日到达波士顿,然后于7月23日去学校与U导师会面。他真的很好。亲切地询问我们对飞机旅行的感受,我们如何应对时差,以及我们住的地方。我们像朋友一样交谈,我们彼此认识很久了。这真让我吃惊。此外,我们对我们的情况越来越详细了。项目。这个项目不同于我的想象。我们的第一周任务是阅读《神经科学》。青少年的决策”由Catherine A Bartlett和Leah H Servile写的,与我们的理解准备一次演讲这篇文章,并问了一些问题。阅读对我来说是一个很大的挑战。我得读一篇上千字的大学级论文。自从我没有学过神经科学,我花了几天的时间读完了书,包括查阅学术词汇,学习科学理论,并在其中探索更多的细节。整篇文章讨论的是神经发育过程在什么时期发生变化。青少年的决策。通过整篇文章,我提出了一些问题:“儿童的神经发育过程发生了什么变化?”决策?孩子们可以不带父母或老师做决定吗?“为什么孩子们要和陌生人说话呢?”大人的许可?“在第一周结束时,我们有第二次会议做我们的陈述。所有问题都讨论过了。那时候:孩子们的好奇心,不同年龄的好奇心的变化……我们的团体研究课题来自我们自己的想法。这是一个我们感兴趣和乐意深入探讨的话题。最后,我们决定我们小组的主题是“好奇心和年龄的强度”。
      As the topic had been established, we had to read more. During the second week, we read “A rational analysis of curiosity”, “Intrinsic motivation, curiosity and learning: theory and applications in educational technologies”, “The curiosity and exploration inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and cliometrics”, “The measurement and Conceptualization of curiosity”, “The psychology of curiosity A review and reinterpretation”, “The development of a social curiosity measure in adults.”, and “The theories of curiosity”. It is my first time to read such a long,difficult  and Challenger papers, but I did it. That is not only reading, but also finding, the standards and theories measuring the intensity of curiosity. What I found and wrote, the first report in reading, is that Curiosity intensity based on three theories: Instinct motivation, Information gap, and Intrinsic reward. We also have a discussion in this week. In this discussion, we modified several inappropriate writing and misunderstanding in reading part. After the discussion, the report got the Prof. U permission to use for next step.
      Within some pernicious researches, such as “A state-Trait curiosity Inventory” written by F.D Baylor, “The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II. Development, factor structure, and cliometrics”, and  “CURIOSITY AND EXPLORATION INVENTORY”, we created our own questionnaires in third week. In this section, we set up gender’s option and 5 levels emotions for people choosing in order to help us to evaluate the intensity of curiosity. To more detail, we also set up 9 groups for different aged people. There are two ways that we use for collecting our data. One is updating our questionnaire on the internet, 80% feed backs came from China. The other is extending paper questionnaire to random selected people, which most of participants are the tourists from all over world in Harvard Square in Boston.In total, we receive 92 questionnaires, including 43.48% fourteen to twenty-five aged people, 14.13% thirty-six to forty-five aged people, 19.57% forty-six to fifty-five aged people, 9.78% eight to thirteen aged people, 7.61% twenty-six to thirty-five aged people, and 5.43% fifty-six to seventy-five aged people. There are 51.09% females and 48.81% males. 
      在一些可渗透的研究中,如F. D Baylor所写的“状态特质好奇心清单”,“好奇心和勘探清单2。发展,因素结构和心理测量学”和“库存”,我们的好奇心和探索在第三周内创建我们自己的调查表。在这一部分中,我们选择了性别选择和5级情感。为了帮助我们评估好奇心的强度。更详细地说,我们还为不同的老年人设立了9个小组。有两种方法,我们用来收集数据的。一个是在网上更新我们的问卷调查,80%的反馈来自中国。另一个是对随机抽取的人群进行问卷调查,其中绝大多数是来自哈佛广场的来自世界各地的游客。在波士顿。共收到92份问卷,其中43.48%名为十四至二十五名老年人,14.13%名为三十六至四十五岁。老年人19.57%人,四十六~五十五岁,9.78%~十三岁,7.61%~三十五岁,老年人八人,老年人二十六人。5.43%五十六至七十五岁老人。有51.09%名女性和48.81%名男性。
      The most memorable meeting was held on the grass plot in front of Harvard Medical School. Prof. U gave lots of suggestion on how to examine the data, what we have to notice, and what we can do with different gender’s group. Followed Dr. U’s step, the result is “age cannot affect people’s curiosity.”. In addition, he also reminded us some possibility in our research. Within the discussion part in our final paper, we noticed that most participates in our survey are Chinese and Americans and we don’t have wide aged range people. What surprised us, result seems male are more curious than female. Since we separate fourteen to twenty-five aged people to two different genders, male and female, within female group, we get 116 total scores. However, we get 138 total scores with male group.   
      In my one-month experience, I feel my passion in psychology. Whether you are succeed in the project or not, it gains some value that you aren’t capable to learn in books. I learned how an academic project form, what those academic data collect and so on. When you catch some opportunities, that means you are lucky and capable to try your best on it. I suddenly fall in love with one sentence seen in the United State: “Go where no one else will go, do what no one else will do.” To be brave to explore yourself, a huge new world will surprise you. 
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