



       暑假科研结束后的第6个月,LI 同学在英国大学申请过程中,收获了心中梦想学校牛津大学的预录取。

       During my one-month stay in MIT, I learned quite a few things and made quite a few friends.
My topic of research was: calculation of bell’s inequality and experimental requirements under certain noise conditions.
       在MIT呆了一个月,我学到了不少东西,交了不少朋友。我的研究课题是:calculation of bell’s inequality and experimental requirements under certain noise conditions.

       On my day one, F took me around the campus and let me get acquainted with the whereabouts. F is the general manager of the research program and taught us systematic ways of doing research with a database. The first few lectures were given by Chris, who reviewed the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and introduced the topic of non-linear optics. We met with professor Z, who is an expert in non-linear optics, photon detection, single photon generation, information theory and, most importantly, Quantum Key Distribution. He gave us lectures regarding how to solve Schrodinger equations corresponding to entangled photons pairs.
Chris also taught me some matlab.
       In the second week, Chris taught us concepts regarding squeezed states and Bell’s inequality. He assigned an 70-page-paper and a few other papers to read so that we can grasp the gist of bell’s inequality. I asked considerable amount of questions during the classes and other meetings and extensively broadened my knowledge about basic quantum mechanics. Professor Z gave us reviews about his on-going research about quantum key distribution, which can ensure quantum communication hundreds of times faster than the older protocol. Chris also gave us a lab tour and taught us about the technologies being employed to make the QKD experiments possible.

       The research about Bell’s inequality starts in week three and we start doing computations of the  bell’s inequality. We were introduced to professor U from  Academy of Science. Professor U gave us lectures on the current imaging technologies and his own on-going research about the imaging with photon scanners and  imaging processing techniques using spacial and time correlation to yield high-resolution images, which works well even under single pixel conditions.

       In the last week, we did the computations of bell’s inequality under low detection efficiencies and possibilities of dark count. The equation typing was painful and the results weren’t quite pleasant since I yielded a result above three while the S value is impossible to surpass 2*2^0.5. Apart from that, research scientist D gave us really informative lectures on Fourier optics, solving optical problems with maxwell equations and a lot of new ways of solving for wave propagation. The e^ikx system was especially intriguing. At the last day, research scientist F bought us dinner.
       最后一个星期,我们计算了低探测效率下的贝尔不等式和暗计数的可能性。这个方程分型是痛苦的,结果不太令人满意,因为我得出的结果超过三,而S值是不可能的。超过2×2×0.5。除此之外,研究科学家D给我们提供了关于傅立叶光学的非常翔实的讲座,解决光学问题。用麦斯威尔方程组和许多新的波传播求解方法。E ^ ikx系统是特别有趣。在最后一天,研究科学家F给我们买了晚餐,我们一起共进晚餐。
       Throughout the program, F gave us lectures on how to use endnote to search for and organize papers. He informed us how to cite correctly and maneuver the correlations between google scholar, SCI, word and endnote to work more efficiently and accurately. These are all important research skills. Moreover, I was able to build up a small base of possibly needed papers using MIT free access of all papers, which was quite useful. We were also able to hear some lectures given by the librarian, who is also a biologist at MIT, on the topics of efficient file managing and using LATEX as well as efficiently using MIT online library.
       We have food across the Mass Ave in the Student center. The food provided at the home stay was much more pleasant in contrast. My sole classmate YC was a good teacher to me as well. He is going to be a senior in NYU and he told me quite a lot about how things, especially research, works in the university, which greatly improves my sophistication of college life planning. He helped me a lot with the studies and answered a lot of my academic questions since he has all the college education I don’t have.
       In general, this research program taught me a lot about academics and life. It tells me how research looks like and that they don’t always go in the way you want them to go. It gives me a lot of informations regarding how to become a successful academic, and later, a professor. The ways relations work in academia was also informative and I hope I have made some personal connections that would be useful in my future career.